Complaint procedure
Complaint procedure
Do you have a complaint about your insurance contract or about Hienfeld’s claim settlement or services? Below you will read how to file a complaint.
How to file a complaint
Every report containing the word ‘complaint’ is a complaint to us. Our employees are happy to be of service to help solve the problem. If you have a complaint or suggestion for improvement, you can let us know in various ways:
Through your insurance advisor
Your insurance advisor is your first point of contact when it comes to your insurance. An insurance advisor can often also help you to file a complaint. Therefore, if you have an insurance advisor, you should contact him first. He will then contact us.
Call one of our employees
Often a phone call with one of our employees is enough to allay your dissatisfaction. Our employees are happy to be of service to help you solve the problem.
You can reach our employees through 020 - 5469 469.
Send a letter
If you cannot find a solution by telephone, or if you prefer to send a letter, you can also contact us in writing. Clearly state in the letter that it concerns a complaint. Also include your name, address, place of residence, telephone number, e-mail address and contract or policy number in the letter. You can address this letter to the management and send it by email ( or by post:
W.A. Hienfeld B.V.
t.a.v. de directie
Postbus 75133
1070 AC Amsterdam
When can you expect an answer?
If you have filed a complaint with us, you will receive a message from us as soon as possible, but no later than 10 working days.
Sometimes we need more time to investigate your complaint. In this case you will receive a message from us stating how much longer we will need.
Not satisfied with our solution?
Do you have a complaint about your insurance or about the services of Hienfeld and are you unable to resolve it with us? Then you can also submit your complaint to an independent party. We fully cooperate with a solution through an external complaints body or court.
Financial Services Complaints Institute (KiFiD)
Are you a client and not satisfied with our final position or solution? Then you can submit your complaint to KiFiD within three months after receiving our final response:
Foundation Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening
Postbus 93257
2509 AG Den Haag
Phone 070-333 89 99
E-mail address:
More information about the working method of the Complaints Institute:
Our KiFiD number is: 300.001294.
The judge
KiFiD does not handle complaints from companies. Do you, as a company, have a complaint about your insurance or about the services of Hienfeld and are you unable to resolve it with us? Then you can also submit your complaint to a competent court in the Netherlands.