Risk bearers

Naturally, the cooperation with you as a relation is of eminent importance for the types of insurance that we can offer you. We want to go further than our colleagues in the market. The more specific you clarify your wishes to be, the stronger the solution will be that we can offer you, of course in collaboration with your insurance broker or adviser.

Hienfeld can be independent in the solution offered, by representing a wide spectrum of insurance companies. All partners who are regarded as highly qualified in their own market.

Verzekeringsmaatschappijen die door Hienfeld vertegenwoordigd worden:

    Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V. h.o.d.n. Avéro Achmea (1986)

    ASR Schadeverzekering N.V. (1935)

    Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG (1979)

    HDI Global Specialty SE (2021)

    Lloyd's Underwriters London (1972)

    Nationale-Nederlanden Schadeverzekering Maatschappij N.V. (1889)

    MS Amlin Insurance SE (2012)

    Chubb European Group SE (2012)

    ARAG SE (2015)

    AIG Europe S.A. (2016)

    Hiscox S.A. (2016)

    Hamilton Insurance DAC (2016)

    Axis Specialty Europe SE (2018)

    Allied World Assurance Company (Europe) DAC (2018)

    DUPI Underwriting Agencies B.V. (2017)

    XL Insurance Company SE (2017)

    Lloyd's Insurance Company S.A. (2019)

    Utmost PanEurope dac (2019)

    Zurich Isurance plc (2019)

    Mobile GARANTIE Deutschland GmbH namens Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft AG (2020)

    ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG (2020)

    Everest Insurance (Ireland) Designated Activity Company (2021)

The years in brackets indicate when the power of attorney was granted to Hienfeld.

This page was last modified on April 26, 2021. No rights can be derived from this message.