Private Accidents
The Personal Accident Insurance pays out a one-time amount in the event of permanent disability or death due to an accident. You can choose from different insured amounts.
World coverage
Excellent claim settlement with our own experienced claims handlers
High insured amounts possible
For whom?
This insurance is for private individuals and can be applied for up to the age of 65.
Consult your insurance broker or intermediary, or one of our underwriters.
Terms & conditions and other documents
Verzekeringskaart (IPID) Persoonlijke ongevallenverzekering (PO)
Factsheet Persoonlijke Ongevallenverzekering
Voorwaarden (PO2016)
Terms and Conditions (PO2016)
Aanvraagformulier PO
Gezondheidsverklaring PO
Toelichting bij aanvraagformulier PO
Schadeformulier ongevallen
Claim form PO