Fraud Policy W.A. Hienfeld B.V.
Insurance is based on mutual trust. Hienfeld has confidence in its customers. However, there are unfortunately examples that betray this trust. For example, when more is claimed in the event of damage than is actually the case, a different representation of matters is given, or a bill is deliberately falsified. Examples of fraud like this increase the pressure on premiums. This is not only noticeable for the few fraudulent insured, but especially also for the vast majority of our policyholders, who are benevolent and never commit fraud.
Based on our social responsibility, we want to tackle fraud, so that we can keep the products affordable for you. We therefore take preventive measures to prevent and control insurance fraud.
We check who we do business with
When applying for insurance, we check with whom we do business. We (or our insurance intermediary) always check the identity of the applicant. But also, the identity of the ultimate beneficial owner of an insurance or financial service. We do this again when we pay out a claim. We therefore check whether someone is on a sanction list.
What is meant by fraud?
We use the following definition of fraud: the deliberate misleading of an insurer and/or underwriters in the conclusion and/or performance of an insurance contract with the intention of unlawfully obtaining insurance cover, payment, performance, or service.
Think of:
Failure to provide honest information when applying for insurance, by providing incorrect information or by withholding information.
Not being honest about what happened or pretending damage occurred when it did not.
Changing amounts on invoices or submitting false documents.
Claiming more than the actual damage.
Submitting a rejected claim again, with a different story.
Deliberately causing damage and pretending it was an accident or staging/inventing a theft.
Pretending to be injured or exaggerating an injury.
Prevent misunderstandings.
When applying for insurance, are you not sure what we mean by a particular question or is something unclear to you? Please contact us or your insurance advisor. Of course, this also applies if, for example, you do not know how to act in the event of a claim or which information you should provide when submitting a claim. In this way, together we ensure that misunderstandings are prevented.
Anti-fraud policy
Fraud is also actively tackled by the Dutch Association of Insurers. We act in accordance with the Insurers & Crime Protocol and on this basis Hienfeld pursues an active anti-fraud policy. It uses different ways to find out the truth and detect fraud, this investigation can be carried out by specialized investigative agencies. Naturally, we adhere to the applicable laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Code of Conduct for Personal Investigation.
In some cases, Hienfeld has the investigations carried out himself. If there is one (or more) insurer(s) on your policy that is/are affiliated with the Dutch Association of Insurers, the investigation will be carried out by the insurer affiliated with the Association with the highest share on the policy.
This way we can make sure:
Investigations are conducted into a person's behavior or information is collected that is important for taking out insurance, assessing the right to compensation or determining the extent of the insurance payment.
Personal data is collected and processed that has been obtained in a different way and from different sources than from the person concerned. For example, from external sources such as the registration number of the RDW, the registers of the Chamber of Commerce, the Land Registry, and the internet. But also information obtained from other persons such as informants or witnesses.
Information is collected by, for example, conducting or having carried out technical, tactical, and personal research. This includes, among other things, the observation or interviewing of people, accident analysis, bill checks, fire (technical) investigation and investigation for burglary.
Use is made of relevant information from the Central Information System (CIS) of the CIS Foundation. This is an organization of and for insurers and their authorized representatives and supports its participants in optimizing their processes and making the necessary considerations in acceptance and claim processes. For more information, please refer to the website of the CIS foundation:
Information is exchanged with other insurers. Of course, we adhere to the applicable laws and regulations, in particular with regard to privacy.
Carrying out research
In some cases, Hienfeld has the investigations carried out itself. If there is one (or more) insurer(s) on your policy that is/are affiliated with the Dutch Association of Insurers, the investigation will be carried out by the insurer affiliated with the Association with the highest share on the policy. For some investigations, we, or the insurer, engage external investigation agencies. Agreements have been made with these research agencies. They must comply with the laws and regulations for conducting the investigations and processing personal data.
What measures are taken in the event of fraud?
As soon as we have gathered sufficient facts to indicate that fraudulent activity may have taken place, we will notify the person concerned. The person concerned is then offered the opportunity to provide additional explanation. We will then determine whether we will take measures.
If we discover fraud, we will inform the person concerned in writing (registered) about the measures we have taken. We reserve the right to take the following measures:
We do not reimburse anything or not in full. If payment has already been made, we will reclaim the payment.
We will recover investigation costs incurred in the context of the fraud investigation.
We reject the application.
We immediately terminate the insurance(s) on which the fraud was committed. We may also terminate other insurance policies of the relevant policyholder with Hienfeld.
We make an internal entry in the Hienfeld Incidents Register.
The insurers/risk bearer on your insurance who carried out the investigation can enter your personal data in their Incidents Register and the External Referral Register at Foundation CIS and report it to the Center for Combating Insurance Crime (CBV) of the Dutch Association of Insurers. The Incidents Register is a register in which incident data is recorded. The purpose of the Incidents Register is to support activities aimed at safeguarding the security and integrity of the financial sector. The External Referral Register can also be consulted by other financial institutions and contains referral data of (legal) persons who have been involved in incidents. More information can be found in the Protocol Incident Warning Systems Financial Institutions.
We can report fraud to the police, depending on the seriousness and extent of the fraud.
If you have any questions about fraud, or if you want to report fraud (anonymously), please send an email to If you report fraud, we assure you that we will treat the information you provide in strict confidence.
If you would like to provide anonymous information about fraud you have discovered, you can of course also call the Reporting Point Crime Anonymously: 0800-7000.